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Sleep Trainer Vancouver
When sleep deprivation pushes us to our breaking point, sometimes all you want to know is you're not the only one. As your pediatric sleep consultant and baby sleep training coach, I've got sleep solutions for babies right here. Take a read!
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actionable steps to have your baby sleeping better tonight.
Oct 30, 20242 min read
The Dos and Don'ts of Adding Cereal to Your Baby's Bedtime Bottle
As an infant sleep expert, I want to clarify a common belief among parents: adding cereal to a baby's bedtime bottle to help them sleep...

May 7, 20243 min read
Baby Won't go Down Drowsy But Awake
Just about every sleep book on the market talks about the word “drowsy.” If we're working with newborns, for example, many books state...

May 23, 20233 min read
What Causes Baby to be Awake for Hours at Night?
Is your little one waking up in the middle of the night and staying up? For like… hours. What are Split Nights? If you’re the parent of...

Apr 11, 20232 min read
Best Time to Sleep Train
Sleep can be so varied and so unique that the only way to surely know is to identify where you and your baby are at. When to Sleep Train...

Feb 14, 20233 min read
Why Baby Wakes an Hour After Bedtime. All About False Starts
Unless you’re very lucky, I mean exceptionally lucky, you’ve experienced one of the false starts firsthand. You put your little one down...

Aug 2, 20223 min read
Overcoming Fear of the Dark
“Mom, I can’t sleep.” Fear of the dark usually starts to show up around the 2-year mark. As toddler’s minds mature, their memory gets...

Jul 19, 20224 min read
Developmental Milestones Impact on Sleep
As a mother myself, as well as a sleep consultant who has met parents of babies and toddlers from across the globe, I’ve come to the...

May 10, 20223 min read
Babies Snoring and Mouth-Breathing
Chronic Mouth Breathing versus Nose Breathing I used to think that snoring babies were absolutely adorable. Unfortunately, that sense of...

Feb 15, 20224 min read
Sleep Contraptions, Are They Worth It?
...when you consider how many products out there say they’ll get your baby to sleep, it’s not surprising that parents think that maybe...

Feb 1, 20222 min read
Two Most Overlooked Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones frequently become a full blown regression due to inconsistency of the parent's responses. Developmental...

Jan 18, 20222 min read
Are There Any "Good" Sleep Props?
There's a little loophole in the rules for sleep props. Good Sleep Props There's a little loophole in the rules for sleep props. Below...

Jan 5, 20222 min read
All The Sudden My Baby Started Hating the Crib
Is there a such thing as crib regression? There certainly is. What Is Crib Regression? Is there a such thing as crib regression? There...

Dec 28, 20213 min read
Conquer Early Morning Wakings for Babies
Why do babies have a hard time settling around 3-4 A.M.? Short Answer: Babies have low sleep pressure and low melatonin levels by...

Dec 14, 20213 min read
Only You Should Decide if You're Ready to Sleep Train
Sleep training is not for the faint of heart, BUT I've seen moms rise to the occasion because of the clear benefits their child gains...

Nov 30, 20212 min read
Key to Your Infant's Learning: Repetition
...good sleep associations are just as hard to break as bad ones. Eventually, your child will insist on each step of their the usual...

Oct 5, 20213 min read
Top Tricks to Terminate Toddler Bedtime Tantrums's like they know you have a weak spot and they’ll take their time and poke at it till they win (again). Toddlers and Bedtime...

Sep 21, 20212 min read
Postpartum Depression and Being Mom to a Newborn Baby
Two immediate concerns of any newborn mom are usually nursing and postpartum depression. What moms don't often realize till later is the...

Aug 24, 20213 min read
Secret to Preventing Sleep Regressions
Every 4-6 weeks, expect some sort of developmental milestone maybe it cognitive or motor. And yes, that means temporary sleep regressions...

Aug 10, 20214 min read
Baby Won't Lie Down at Bedtime
When you’ve only been around for nine or ten months, it might not seem so intuitive, so again, patience mama! Remember, even though it...

Jul 27, 20215 min read
When to Drop Night Feeds
If day feeds are insufficient during the daytime, your baby is essentially making up for lost calories at night, meaning consolidated...

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