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Sleep Trainer Vancouver
When sleep deprivation pushes us to our breaking point, sometimes all you want to know is you're not the only one. As your pediatric sleep consultant and baby sleep training coach, I've got sleep solutions for babies right here. Take a read!
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actionable steps to have your baby sleeping better tonight.
Oct 11, 20243 min read
Should Babies Use Pacifiers?
Pacifier Use and SIDS Prevention The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends pacifier use during infancy as one of the measures...

May 21, 20243 min read
Obsessively Watching the Baby Monitor
Baby Monitors: The Good And The Bad There are a few accessories that you might as well pencil into the budget if you’re planning on...

Jan 30, 20242 min read
Best Newborn Burping Techniques
Step by step overview of the best techniques used to help baby burp after a feed Newborns are notoriously susceptible to gas trap. The...

Apr 11, 20232 min read
Best Time to Sleep Train
Sleep can be so varied and so unique that the only way to surely know is to identify where you and your baby are at. When to Sleep Train...

May 24, 20225 min read
Easy Ways to Juggle Bedtime Routines
Bringing a new baby into the house is a glorious, exciting, terrifying occasion, especially when you have one or two already, and it can...

Feb 1, 20222 min read
Two Most Overlooked Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones frequently become a full blown regression due to inconsistency of the parent's responses. Developmental...

Jan 18, 20222 min read
Are There Any "Good" Sleep Props?
There's a little loophole in the rules for sleep props. Good Sleep Props There's a little loophole in the rules for sleep props. Below...

Nov 30, 20212 min read
Key to Your Infant's Learning: Repetition
...good sleep associations are just as hard to break as bad ones. Eventually, your child will insist on each step of their the usual...

Nov 16, 20212 min read
Safety When Baby Starts to Roll
As early as 3 months, your baby may start rolling over and practice these new moves day and night! Yes, exciting time, but also sleep...

Sep 21, 20212 min read
Postpartum Depression and Being Mom to a Newborn Baby
Two immediate concerns of any newborn mom are usually nursing and postpartum depression. What moms don't often realize till later is the...

Aug 24, 20213 min read
Secret to Preventing Sleep Regressions
Every 4-6 weeks, expect some sort of developmental milestone maybe it cognitive or motor. And yes, that means temporary sleep regressions...

Jul 27, 20215 min read
When to Drop Night Feeds
If day feeds are insufficient during the daytime, your baby is essentially making up for lost calories at night, meaning consolidated...

Jun 1, 20215 min read
Sleep Strategies for Twins
New Twins and Sleep “There are two things in this world that life doesn’t prepare you for. Twins.” You’re the proud parent of twins!...

Apr 6, 20213 min read
How A Baby's Naps Helps with Sleeping Through the Night
It takes a delicate balance of naps and night sleep to help your babies fall into a predictable sleep pattern without the fuss. Why...

Mar 30, 20212 min read
Deciphering Night Wakings
The truth is that you’re never going to prevent nighttime wake ups. What we can control is how we respond to them. How to Interpret...

Mar 23, 20212 min read
3 Rules When Buying a Swaddle
Swaddling works best on infants that are under 3-4mo old by making them feel warm and secure. Why Swaddle Your Baby Some of the best baby...

Feb 9, 20213 min read
What the Sleep Pros Think About White Noise Machines
...although it might seem unnatural to create noise when you want your baby to go to sleep, remember: it wasn’t exactly soundproof in the...

Feb 2, 20214 min read
The Power of Sleep: How Much Sleep Is Enough Sleep and Why?
Parents who ask me this question ask because their child's sleep is so broken and unpredictable during the day or night...or usually...

Jan 7, 20213 min read
5 Wrong Ways to Take Car Naps
If you're getting less than one sleep cycle (45min), or you've failed at the car seat transfer or your child cries hysterically instead...

Dec 24, 20203 min read
Baby Sleep Cycle Science
...a baby's nap continues to be be short and stays at 45 minutes if they cannot link to another sleep cycle. Sleep props (ie. pacifiers,...

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